District 6 — December Report

What a year it has been! I believe it is important for us all to remain strong and vigilant as we continue to do our part in helping to control this pandemic. With the new life-saving vaccines and the new President elect, we finally have hope on the horizon. We are essential workers and for the past 10 months we have been expected to put our boots on and go to work. I thank every brother and sister who continues to partake in this noble cause during these unprecedented times.

There are some large projects coming up in 2021 like the active five year Metro Gold Line, the City of Hope campus expansion project, Queen of the Valley campus expansion project, multiple projects at Mt. San Antonio College and the Whittier Narrows Aquatic Center.

I would personally like to give a shout out to the apprentices in all classifications who have been asked to go the extra mile and take online classes. I know it has not been easy, but your hard work will pay off in the end. Brotherhood and sisterhood begins with involvement and active participation in the local. I want you to know and take pride in the fact that you are the future of our IBEW and you will decide the direction we take. So continue to educate yourselves and strive to become the best brothers/sisters you can be for the greater good of this union. Remember, “your yellow ticket makes you a member, but your actions on the job is what makes you a Brother or Sister.”

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Happy Holidays and Happy Festivus to all my brothers and sisters. It has been an honor to serve each and every one of you.

In solidarity,
Brother Erik Delgado
(626) 487-8843

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